Artist looking for a residency in UK

Creation date : 09/07/2023
Modification date : 11/07/2023
  • Location: Saint-Etienne, France
Artist looking for a residency in UK

Hello everybody,
I am un artist. I make paintings on canevas and I looking for a residency in UK for 2 or 3 months.
My artistic approach
Erik Andler expresses his vision of science, our world and the Universe through his creations. His paintings question time, its perception, its reality and space. But beyond time and space, Erik Andler’s work questions us about our daily lives, our world and the universe.
The first questions are asked. :
What is time and what is its process? Is it felt and experienced in the same way by everyone?
What about psychological time and the perception we have of its flow?
Is time linear, isn’t it rather relative?
Is our world as we see it?

Erik Andler’s work questions our daily lives in which scientific laws are erected.
Beyond psychological time and its perception that troubles us, his paintings question science far beyond Newtonian physics. We then penetrate to the heart of general relativity and quantum physics. The first keys to reading the works of Erik Andler open a door to a world that seems to be different from the one in which we live.
Is our reality different from our feelings, from what we see?

Do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards.

Propositions artistiques en échange de la résidence (oeuvres, cours, ateliers, dîner, concert...) : In return, I will give some works made to my host. I can also have an exhibition in the house of my host with works made during my stay. I am open to all offers.
Description environment are you looking for ( nature, urban, other…) : I am looking for a place in urban city.
Describe your projects for a residence : I propose to create acrylic paintings on linen canvas.
Personal website :
Professional website :
Description of the type of workspace needed (office, studio, rehearsal space…) : I need a room to live with bed and a room to make my works of art with large table and access to water and electricity. Important : I can't live in place with cat and dog because I have respiratory allergy with this animals.

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