Looking for a free “Artist in Recideny”-Program

Creation date : 02/09/2024
Modification date : 12/09/2024
  • Location: Vienna, Austria
Looking for a free “Artist in Recideny”-Program


My name is Rebecca Hirneise, and I live and work in Vienna. I am a media artist and filmmaker, specializing in cinema. I studied Film Directing and Screenwriting at the prestigious Film Academy Vienna, under the guidance of renowned professors Michael Haneke and Tizza Covi. Recently, I completed a feature documentary that was awarded the “VIKTOR DOK.deutsch”-Prize at the DOK.fest Munich.

Other Studies:
– Media Art at the University of Arts and Design in Karlsruhe
(Thomas Heise, Răzvan Rădulescu, Armin Linke)
– ELO Filmschool Helsiki
– I worked a lot on films with different artists and directors (a.o. Ruth Beckermann)

Propositions artistiques en échange de la résidence (oeuvres, cours, ateliers, dîner, concert...) : WRITING AND RESEARCH Dear ladies and gentlemen, my name is Rebecca Hirneise and I am a filmmaker, author and media artist from Vienna, looking for an "artist in residence“-place. I am interested in a residency, because I need room and space for my new (film-)projects. I need a place for writing the film-concept and doing research. One to two monts would be good, less is also possible of course. Here you can read about my recent documentary film, which will be in Austrian cinemas in January 2024. https://www.austrianfilms.com/film/God_between_us It was also shown this year at the DOK.fest München and won there the Price for the best german documentary (VIKTOR DOK.deutsch). If there is a possibility to apply, it would be very good to know. For me it would be a very great opportunity to get a residency for writing my new films.
Description environment are you looking for ( nature, urban, other…) : I would be happy if it was a friendly place where you can enjoy writing and creating. I like to be in nature, but also in the city. Both sounds interesting.
Describe your projects for a residence : The first project/film (Main Project) offers a critical examination of the topic of border protection, but exclusively from the perspective of the border guards themselves. The film sheds light on the inner conflicts, moral dilemmas and psychological strain that border security entails, without showing the perspectives of those who are affected by the measures. The second project/film is a hybrid feature film that deals with various international self-help groups. By combining documentary and fictional elements, the film shows the many challenges these groups overcome, as well as the power of community and shared commitment. The third project is a photography book, wich I would like to plan. But the main project would be the first one.
Description of the type of workspace needed (office, studio, rehearsal space…) : I need a place where i can live and work for a while. I would like to share a studio with others, but it can also be a studio/room for me alone, both have advantages and disadvantages. I am looking for a place where I can write my current film projects. I would love to dig deep into my films.

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