Playwright working at the intersection of performance and cycling culture

Creation date : 06/04/2019
Modification date : 07/04/2019
  • Location: OAKLAND, United States
Playwright working at the intersection of performance and cycling culture

I’m Dara, 36, female. I’m a playwright and theatermaker who runs a theater company called Agile Rascal Theatre. We create new works with environmental themes and tour them on our bicycles. Currently we have done a coast-to-coast tour of the United States, as well as tours of Montana and Florida. For each project we bring professional artists from all over the country to create a new work that explores the environmental themes of that region, and then tours them on bicycle. It’s part performance, part adventure art, part environmental awareness campaign.

Propositions artistiques en échange de la résidence (oeuvres, cours, ateliers, dîner, concert...) : I'd be happy to offer a staged reading for you and your community, or offer a playwriting lesson in exchange for your space. Additionally, I also offer professional editing, ghostwriting and coaching services, and would be more than happy to help you with your own work.
Description environment are you looking for ( nature, urban, other…) : I'm open to lots of different kinds of environments, as long as the experience is new and rich with creative inspiration
Describe your projects for a residence : For our next project Agile Rascal will be participating in Bethlehem, PA's Festival Unbound. The project we are exploring for the festival will be a first for Agile Rascal. Instead of bringing theater to our audiences on bicycles, as we have in the past, this time we will lead our audience members, on bicycles, to the theater! We will lead our audiences on bicycles to various locations throughout the town, and the play we perform will unfold over a series of site-specific locations. This piece will be an innovative and unconventional addition to the theater festival, which is expected to draw over 10,000 participants and attendees, and will meld performance and cycling in completely new ways. You can learn more about Touchstone and Festival Unbound at and
Professional website :
Description of the type of workspace needed (office, studio, rehearsal space…) : An office is required. Some kind of larger rehearsal space is always nice for standing things up, but not required.

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