Countryhouse in Greece

Creation date : 17/04/2024
Modification date : 19/04/2024
  • Location: THESSALONIKI, Greece
Countryhouse in Greece

Hi, I’m Thanasis. I’m a film maker and musician from Greece. I live between Thessaloniki and my country house in the mountains named Petrokerasa in a big house which i would like to offer for hosting 1-4 artists. Ideally i would like us all to collaborate and ‘who knows..’ maybe in the end we produce something nice. I offer that for 1-2 weeks for June and July.

Description of the area and neighborhood : Petrokerasa is an old traditional village. It is in a mountain (500lat.) and it is between beautiful forests. The population is only 100 people but in the summertime many people are coming specially for the weekends. The house has a big yard with trees plants and flowers (watch the video). The neighborhood is quiet and they don't mind if we are playing music till late.
Facilities (wifi, phone..) : - WiFi - No phone - Full equipped kitchen - 2 bathrooms
Cost sharing of charges such as gas, water, electricity :
Animals welcome :
Smokers welcome :
Space suitable for artistic events :
Wish in exchange for the hosting (ie:a work of art, an original work, singing or painting lessons, a private concert or any other art form) : - Art - Painting - Music / Producing music / Jam - Performance - Filming - Writing
Favourite artistic domains : Music / Film

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