Farm Studio -India Artist Residency

Creation date : 14/10/2022
Modification date : 14/10/2022
  • Location: Sirohi, India
Farm Studio -India Artist Residency

FARM Studio was founded to realize the creative potential of exchange, dialogue and collaboration between Indian rural artists and artisans and international contemporary artists. Locally, Farm Studio promotes and celebrates community artistic and cultural identity and supports community-based activities.

Description of the area and neighborhood : ARM Studio International Artist Residency’s aim is to provide a rural, community-based open platform where creativity can unfold. Residents stay and create in a unique atmosphere and entirely new environment where they can develop their artwork free from accustomed distractions. Relationships form between the artists coming from different geographical locations and varied social, religious and cultural backgrounds. Here, collaboration and experimentation is encouraged. Many exciting exchanges and dialogues among artists take place. Farm Studio also promotes and celebrates the local community’s artistic and cultural identity while also introducing art and culture of others (Indian and International guests) back to the community. This intercultural exchange broadens everyone’s experiences and fosters art appreciation.
Facilities (wifi, phone..) : Farm Studio will provide: Accommodation Meals (Vegetarian breakfast, lunch, dinner included) Tea (coffee on request) Studio spaces Exhibition opportunity Invitation letter Local sight-seeing Internet Electricity Basic kitchen Printer B/W First aid kit (medical box) Basic tools
Cost sharing of charges such as gas, water, electricity :
Animals welcome :
Smokers welcome :
Space suitable for artistic events :
Wish in exchange for the hosting (ie:a work of art, an original work, singing or painting lessons, a private concert or any other art form) : Artists of all disciplines creating in any media are welcome to apply: dance, theatre, music, sound, performance art, writing, painting, drawing, printmaking, textiles, culinary, photography, video/film, animation, architecture, sculpture (any material), ceramics, mixed-media / multi-media, interdisciplinary, installation, and other new/alternative media. Researchers, curators, and art critics are also welcome to apply. Open to emerging and established artists.
Favourite artistic domains :

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