Saint Andrew’s Castle

Creation date : 25/11/2022
Modification date : 25/11/2022
  • Location: Bölcske, Hungary
Saint Andrew’s Castle

In the framework of our Artists in Residence programme, which has been held annually at St. Andrew’s Castle since 2015, painters and land artists are guests of the castle for a whole month, where we provide not only a space for relaxed artistic work but also accommodation and meals for the participant(s).
Inspired by the artwork here, we have given the programme a title, which has remained the same since 2019: The Space of Change
The programme starts each year on the day of the St George’s Day picnic (the Saturday closest to 24 April) and after a month, on the last weekend of May, we organise an exhibition of their work, opened by a well-known art historian.

Description of the area and neighborhood : In the middle of a 7.5-hectare English park, surrounded by forests, lakes and streams, and ancient tree giants, there is a two-story classicist castle. Those who visit here can admire the old chapel and enjoy the comfort of guest houses and wellness facilities that meet the needs of our time. Those who want to change, gather here to get new inspiration, as well as artists who want to create quietly, or those searching for the village and traditions of the Celts who lived in The Place for thousands of years.This is the space of change, but this change does not destroy the old, but preserves the values ​​and adds to them. Center, in the most abstract and at the same time most literal sense of the word, as it always has been. It also gives the visitor the opportunity for a short time to take part in the ranks of the people who live here and the "owners" of the Place, in quotation marks, because we don't actually own such a Place, but live it, receive, give, take part in it and from it.
Facilities (wifi, phone..) : wifi, mobile phone network coverage
Cost sharing of charges such as gas, water, electricity :
Animals welcome :
Smokers welcome :
Space suitable for artistic events :
Wish in exchange for the hosting (ie:a work of art, an original work, singing or painting lessons, a private concert or any other art form) : The artists leave one of their works on the site.
Favourite artistic domains : visual art, fine art, composition

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