Tzermiado Art Project

Creation date : 25/01/2023
Modification date : 25/01/2023
  • Location: Tzermiado, Greece
Tzermiado Art Project


This is a brand new project as of January 2023

We are currently Carsten (36 years old, USA/Germany) and Franciska (23 years old, Hungary) working here on a new farm, “Tzermiado Art Project” in an ideal and beautiful mountain settting (Lasithi Plateau, Crete). The idea is to blend artistic creation [painting, short story writing, music] with life on a farm [cultivation of herbs and vegetables, animal care]

On the two plots of land (back garden, apple tree grove), the plan is to cultivate a wide range of vegetables and herbs, host in tents, have yoga sessions, paint, and take care of animals

We are cultivating some medicinal and culinary herbs indoors and plan to cultivate a full-fledged medicinal herb garden in the Spring

I’d very much like the place to be a center of learning, art, and exploration. I am interested in providing a place for holistic living, nutrition, meditation, yoga, making music, and being close to nature [and enjoy the local wine]. There are excellent mountains surrounding the plateau in a circle, with sites such as the cave of Zeus where in Greek Mythology he is said to have been born. Everyday we are here we can’t get over how beautiful and magical the place is.
The house has a fireplace. a wood-burning stove that has an oven in it, and a solar water heater. The neighbors all have chickens and goats and I would like to build some animal infrastructure to do the same, and grow a vegetable garden.

The locals say it is extremely easy to grow organic vegetables, as the land is very fertile and no use of pesticides is required. I would like to adopt some cats and dogs from the animal shelter and care for them, practice canning harvested foods, and learn about artisanal crafts such as basket weaving and pottery with my guests by teaming up with the nearby ecovillage.

I’d also like to create a campground to host some extra tents in the summer, and on the second plot of land, it is easy to open up the gates and host a few camping cars as well. so lots of dyi projects on hand so we can be a real community by summer

Tzermiado is the capital village of the Lasithi plateau. It has quite a few restaurants, cafes, a supermarket, a post office, a hair salon, etc. It is 30 minutes from the beaches in Malia. I have a car and could pick up volunteers from the airport.

I am an amateur writer especially interested in the short story genre. My favorite authors are Samantha Schweblin and Hebe Uhart, Borges, Onetti, Cortazar (in love with Argentinian opus). I write mainly in Spanish but also in English and French. I have a BA in French lit with a minor in Spanish, MA in English Studies, have an extensive knowledge of short story writing theory.

I would love to welcome volunteers to do creative works, learn new things, and have an amazing experience in Crete blending art, languages, and agriculture. I speak intermediate Greek, love this country, and would love to share knowledge and exchange and be inspired!

instagram; tzermiado_art_project

Description of the area and neighborhood : Tzermiado is the capital village of the Lasithi plateau. It has quite a few restaurants, cafes, a supermarket, a post office, a hair salon, etc. It is 30 minutes from the beaches in Malia. I have a car and could pick up volunteers from the airport.
Facilities (wifi, phone..) : The house has a fireplace. a wood-burning stove that has an oven in it, and a solar water heater. The neighbors all have chickens and goats and I would like to build some animal infrastructure to do the same, and grow a vegetable garden.
Cost sharing of charges such as gas, water, electricity :
Animals welcome :
Smokers welcome :
Space suitable for artistic events :
Wish in exchange for the hosting (ie:a work of art, an original work, singing or painting lessons, a private concert or any other art form) : production of artworks
Favourite artistic domains : art, painting, writing

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