Our selection
Charmante Ferme Dans Le LotNature - Belfort Du Quercy (France) - 24/08/2023
Découvrez la région du Quercy et son patrimoine historique & gastronomique. Séjournez au sein d’une ancienne Ferme de plus de 200 ans dans le triangle noir du Lot où vous pourrez admirez l’un des plus beau ciel étoilé. La maison est pensé comme lieu de vie et d’accueil, nous sommes en train de la retaper petit à petit et souhaiterions recevoir des artistes qui laissent une trace de leur venue en créant une œuvre spécialement dédiée à celle-ci.
Résidence Aux écuriesNature - Loriol Sur Drome (France) - 11/06/2019
Nous proposons un lieu d’accueil sur le site des écuries hokab'ane, avec l'association Ozequilibre. Lieu de création de scènes équestre et musicales. Hébergement en tente, cuisine extérieur, toilette sèche, douche extérieur. Seul un espace extérieur est mis à disposition. Possibilité de jouer lors d'un des évènement que nous organisions. Lieu familiale et conviviale en milieu rurale. Nous sommes ouvert a toutes proposition alors hesitez pas a prendre contact avec nous. En espérant vous rencontrer, valérie
Villa Contemporaine à La CampagneNature - MONTELIMAR (France) - 14/08/2016
Passionnés d'art contemporain, Nous mettons à disposition une suite et un atelier dans notre résidence principale.
Maison à La Campagne, Près De La Mer.Nature - Près De Dieppe (France) - 07/12/2016
Petite maison de 30 mètres carrés en duplex, datant du 16 ème siècle, située au centre d’un ancien petit village de campagne français de 330 habitants dans le département de la Seine-Maritime, en région Haute-Normandie et à 200km de Paris. Entre la baie de Somme et la côte d'Albâtre, le village est entouré de prés avec vaches, de champs et d’exploitations agricoles et se situe à 7 minutes de Criel -sur-Mer avec sa plage et les falaises les plus hautes d'Europe. Cette maison bénéficie d’un cadre d’exception ; ancienne dépendance d’un bébé château comme dans les contes de fées, véritable poumon végétal au cœur du village avec son parc aux arbres vénérables, ses herbages. Ce petit écrin plein de charme en brique et silex, vient juste d’être rénové, spécialement pour accueillir des artistes sympathiques et agréables en quête de nature et de dépaysement. Avec son jardin privé et son petit bois de noisetier, la maison respire le repos et la tranquillité et possède tous les ingrédients pour passer un excellent séjour créatif au calme et au grand air. L’ambiance invite au ressourcing et à l’inspiration. ENGLISH 30 square meters duplex house, dating from the 16th Century, located downtown of a typical old French village of 330 habitants in the Seine-Maritime department, Haute-Normandie region, 200 km from Paris. At the border between the Baie de Somme and the Côte d’Albatre, the village is surrounded by cows, fields and farming properties and is situated 7 minutes from Criel-sur-mer, a location famous for its beach and its cliffs that are among the highest in Europe. This house welcomes you in an exceptional setting, former outbuilding of a small fairytale-like castle and true green lung at the very heart of the village thanks to its wild grassy lands and its park filled with venerable trees. This charming frame of flints and bricks was just renovated in order to welcome artists and art-lovers seeking for escapism and change of scenery. With its private little garden and its tiny forest of hazel trees, the house exudes peace and tranquility and combines all the ingredients for an exceptional and creative open air stay.
Pause Création Et échangesNature - Pontlevoy (France) - 25/05/2019
Logement en duplex dans cour de ferme partagée avec les propriétaires 2 chambres, salle d'eau, rdc cuisine et salon Possibilité de jardiner (permaculture) Atelier aménagé pour expos, travail grande dimension
Dans La Calanque De MARSEILLENature - Ensuès-la-Redonne (France) - 16/08/2017
Maison dans la calanque du Petit Méjean sur la Côte Bleue
Villa In TuscanyNature - Trequanda (Italy) - 12/09/2023
The villa is located in one of the most scenic spots of all Italy - the corner of the Val d'Orcia and the Colli Senesi - overlooking the picturesque Tuscan rolling hills that you would know from tourist guide covers. 5 minutes away is the small Tuscan hilltop village Trequanda, the shopping centres of Sinalunga/Valdichiana are a 15 minute drive and Siena is around 40 minutes away. The tourist towns of Pienza, Montepulciano and Montalcino are all around 25 minutes from here. We have acquired the farm last year and are now in the process of putting it back to its former beauty. Grain, wine and olives have already been grown on our fertile grounds since the Roman and Etruscan times. After running a most enchanting agriturismo with organic farm for the past years for friends of mine, I have made it my live's dream to create an inspiring place in this little corner of paradise myself. As first step, we have transformed the farm into all biological end of last year. We already home chicken and cats, and currently think of which other animals could be suitable for us. We are also planting a vegetable garden which we hope will feed us well. The main agricultural product are the grapes from our 15 hectare vineyard. We also have some 100 olive trees. Additionally, we have now planted fields with legumes to prepare them for planting many more olive trees. The property has lots of free open space where you can free your creativity and create pieces of art for it. The rooms, common areas, and outside areas are under development - so you can shape these spaces with your own input. Furthermore, there are lots of old furniture pieces that would appreciate restauration. Food is all supplied by us, also drinks. At lunch, we have a routa where one of us cooks for all. So, do expect that also you have to cook for everybody like once a week. Healthy options much preferred, but if pasta with tomato sauce is all you know we will also have that. As part of living here you will also be expected to contribute your share of making and keeping the structure clean. On property we have a gym (including bar-bell) and yoga-room, a swimming pool and a beautiful park that are at you disposal to use. There is absolutely no traffic noise and a stunning night-sky with very little light pollution. Transport: we have cars here on property, which can be borrowed for occasional use (you need first prove me that you know how to drive standard, need a valid driving license and refill the car if you use it for longer journeys). We will gladly pick you up from a nearby train station upon your arrival. Visit our website: https://www.belborgo.com/ Follow our journey on Instagram: borgo_belsedere
Bergerie Dans Les Hautes AlpesNature - Puy St Eusèbe (France) - 21/10/2022
Intéressés par le spectacle vivant et le cirque, nous proposons une résidence sur notre terrain. Possibilité de venir nombreux camper sur un grand terrain équipé de sanitaires ou de venir à peu hébergés à la maison. Le travail peut se faire en extérieur (3 ha de prés, lande et forêt) ou dans nos deux salles de 60 m² (non équipées)
Countryhouse In GreeceNature - THESSALONIKI (Greece) - 17/04/2024
Hi, I'm Thanasis. I'm a film maker and musician from Greece. I live between Thessaloniki and my country house in the mountains named Petrokerasa in a big house which i would like to offer for hosting 1-4 artists. Ideally i would like us all to collaborate and 'who knows..' maybe in the end we produce something nice. I offer that for 1-2 weeks for June and July.
AZAN ResidencyNature - Belas (Portugal) - 12/10/2022
AZAN contemporary art Artist run project that unfolds into art projects and residencies. The main focus of AZAN, is to build a network of artists from around the world. AZAN space welcome artists seeking a studio in an open space layout. Here artists can develop their work, research, collaborate and share ideas. AZAN holds an independent program connecting the resident artists with other artists. This program includes open studios, exhibitions, performances, and talks. AZAN will consider resident artists to participate in its program in a case-by-case basis. We also do gatherings for food, drinks and music. How to Apply Send to email@azanspace.net PDF file with: Letter of presentation CV (max 2 pages) Portfolio (max 8 pages) Website or similar Preferred length and dates of stay Passport copy
Tzermiado Art ProjectNature - Tzermiado (Greece) - 25/01/2023
Greetings, This is a brand new project as of January 2023 We are currently Carsten (36 years old, USA/Germany) and Franciska (23 years old, Hungary) working here on a new farm, "Tzermiado Art Project" in an ideal and beautiful mountain settting (Lasithi Plateau, Crete). The idea is to blend artistic creation [painting, short story writing, music] with life on a farm [cultivation of herbs and vegetables, animal care] On the two plots of land (back garden, apple tree grove), the plan is to cultivate a wide range of vegetables and herbs, host in tents, have yoga sessions, paint, and take care of animals We are cultivating some medicinal and culinary herbs indoors and plan to cultivate a full-fledged medicinal herb garden in the Spring I'd very much like the place to be a center of learning, art, and exploration. I am interested in providing a place for holistic living, nutrition, meditation, yoga, making music, and being close to nature [and enjoy the local wine]. There are excellent mountains surrounding the plateau in a circle, with sites such as the cave of Zeus where in Greek Mythology he is said to have been born. Everyday we are here we can't get over how beautiful and magical the place is. The house has a fireplace. a wood-burning stove that has an oven in it, and a solar water heater. The neighbors all have chickens and goats and I would like to build some animal infrastructure to do the same, and grow a vegetable garden. The locals say it is extremely easy to grow organic vegetables, as the land is very fertile and no use of pesticides is required. I would like to adopt some cats and dogs from the animal shelter and care for them, practice canning harvested foods, and learn about artisanal crafts such as basket weaving and pottery with my guests by teaming up with the nearby ecovillage. I'd also like to create a campground to host some extra tents in the summer, and on the second plot of land, it is easy to open up the gates and host a few camping cars as well. so lots of dyi projects on hand so we can be a real community by summer Tzermiado is the capital village of the Lasithi plateau. It has quite a few restaurants, cafes, a supermarket, a post office, a hair salon, etc. It is 30 minutes from the beaches in Malia. I have a car and could pick up volunteers from the airport. I am an amateur writer especially interested in the short story genre. My favorite authors are Samantha Schweblin and Hebe Uhart, Borges, Onetti, Cortazar (in love with Argentinian opus). I write mainly in Spanish but also in English and French. I have a BA in French lit with a minor in Spanish, MA in English Studies, have an extensive knowledge of short story writing theory. I would love to welcome volunteers to do creative works, learn new things, and have an amazing experience in Crete blending art, languages, and agriculture. I speak intermediate Greek, love this country, and would love to share knowledge and exchange and be inspired! instagram; tzermiado_art_project
Belle Maison De 140 M² Avec Piscine à Saint SavinienNature - Saint-Savinien (France) - 08/01/2023
Charmante maison de village (140 m²), édifiée sur un joli jardin clos sans vis a vis. Piscine chauffée de 7 x 3 M. Offrant au rez de chaussée : une entrée, une cuisine équipée, un salon/ salle à manger de 45 m². A l'étage, 1 chambre avec un grands lit 2 places + 1 salle de bain privée.