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Villa In TuscanyNature - Trequanda (Italie) - 12/09/2023
The farm is located in one of the most scenic spots of all Italy - the corner of the Val d'Orcia and the Colli Senesi - overlooking the picturesque Tuscan rolling hills that you would know from tourist guide covers. 5 minutes away is the small Tuscan hilltop village Trequanda, the shopping centres of Sinalunga/Valdichiana are a 15 minute drive and Siena is around 40 minutes away. The tourist towns of Pienza, Montepulciano and Montalcino are all around 25 minutes from here. We have acquired the farm last year and are now in the process of putting it back to its former beauty. Grain, wine and olives have already been grown on our fertile grounds since the Roman and Etruscan times. After running a most enchanting agriturismo with organic farm for the past years for friends of mine, I have made it my live's dream to create an inspiring place in this little corner of paradise myself. As first step, we have transformed the farm into all biological end of last year. We already home chicken and cats, and currently think of which other animals could be suitable for us. We are also planting a vegetable garden which we hope will feed us well. The main agricultural product are the grapes from our 15 hectare vineyard. We also have some 100 olive trees. Additionally, we have now planted fields with legumes to prepare them for planting many more olive trees. We can teach you how to work a vineyard: especially pruning in January to April, trimming in April, May and June and harvesting in September and October - no prior knowledge required. We have an expert that will share all the secrets of the trade with you. And I promise to provide you with the best equipment there is for such! We can also teach you about construction. We have an expert 3-D-architect living on property that currently plans and then will project-manage the construction of an agriturismo close-by. At the moment, we do some hands-on renovations in the bathrooms of the annexes where you can apprentice you on all kinds of renovation tasks. We are currently in the process of planting our fully-organic vegetable garden. My neighbor is advising us on that. She has the most beautiful and productive organic vegetable garden you can imagine. So I can ensure you that you can learn a lot from helping in also getting a little paradise garden here at Belsedere. The hands-on experiences are typically in the mornings. Then we all have lunch together. Food is all supplied by us, also drinks. At lunch, we have a routa where one of us cooks for all. So, do expect that also you have to cook for everybody like once a week. Healthy options much preferred, but if pasta with tomato sauce is all you know we will also have that. As part of living here you will also be expected to contribute your share of making and keeping the structure clean. On property we have a gym (including bar-bell) and yoga-room, a swimming pool and a beautiful park that are at you disposal to use. There is absolutely no traffic noise and a stunning night-sky with very little light pollution. Transport: we have cars here on property, which can be borrowed for occasional use (you need first prove me that you know how to drive standard, need a valid driving license and refill the car if you use it for longer journeys). We will gladly pick you up from a nearby train station upon your arrival.
Recherche Atelier RomeArts visuels - Rome (Italie) - 05/06/2016
Bonjour ! je suis une étudiante française, en phase de terminer ses études, et je viens étudier à Rome pour 1 an. Je cherche un atelier dans lequel j'aurais la possibilité de réaliser mes projets (installations vidéos/sonores ; sculptures ; céramique) et écrire mon mémoire de fin d'étude dans lequel je vais questionner le rapport entre l'artiste et son lieu de création. ////////////// Ciao ! Sono uno studente francese in linea per terminare gli studi , e vengo a Roma per studiare per un anno . Sto cercando uno studio dove avrò l'opportunità di realizzare i miei progetti ( installazioni video / sonore, sculture, ceramiche ) e di scrivere la mia tesi di laurea in cui esaminerà il rapporto tra l'artista e il suo luogo di creazione .
Italian Artist – Figurative Abstract ExpressionismArts plastiques - Naples (Italie) - 11/08/2016
Italian artist and architect, 28 years old, in love with traditions and innovation of european culture. looking for a place to paint and create.
PumpkinsAutre - Sassari (Italie) - 15/07/2018
Mi chiamo Eulalia, ho studiato lingue e insegno spagnolo, nel tempo libero mi dedico alla creazione artigianale di gioielli in zucca e in pietra, oltre che alla creazione di lampade in zucca.
« A Casa Di Amici » Artist ResidenceUrbain - Palermo (Italie) - 02/08/2018
Our Residence of Artist's is a Multi-Cultural and Artistic place, indissolubly connected to the identity of a unique city: Palermo. Honored as the ''City's Capital of Culture'' our ''polis'' is a mysterious place of a kind, depicted fully with street arts influenced by diverse cultures: Arabic, jew, Gothic and Normandy influence and to be obviously captivated by the Greek-Roman art. It's not a coincidence that Palermo is fundamentally noted as a residence which draws inspirations for artists of international fame with fine artistic products.
Painter ArtistArts plastiques - Roma (Italie) - 21/10/2018
Io vivo in Italia, a Roma. Io sono una pittrice di nazionalità italiana e francese, mia madre è francese, lei è nata in Normandia. Attualmente io vivo a Roma, io partecipo a mostre in tutta Italia ed io continuo i miei studi artistico pittorici con il Maestro Francesco Caraccio. Io amo viaggiare, grazie ai viaggi io provo nuove emozioni e la mia creatività si rigenera. Io sto cercando un posto in Francia come residenza d'artista. I live in Italy, in Rome. I am a painter of Italian and French nationality, my mother is French, she was born in Normandy. Currently I live in Rome, I participate in exhibitions throughout Italy and I continue my artistic studies in painting with Maestro Francesco Caraccio. I love traveling, thanks to travels I feel new emotions and my creativity regenerates. I am looking for a place in France as an artist's residence.
Marcher Et Peindre…et Jouer Le Soir!Arts visuels - Volta Mantovana (Italie) - 05/01/2021
Je m'appelle Jacopo, je fais de la peinture en autodidacte, depuis 10 ans aupeutpres J'aime me promener dans la nature et puis quand y a une scene qui me merveille, je m'assise et la recree sur le papier. Souvent je fais des dessins ou bien acquerelles sur les souvenirs des impressions de la journee En aout 2019 j'ai fait ma premiere exposition dans un café bistrot
Résidence Pour Production MusicalMusique - Rome (Italie) - 10/01/2021
Je suis un jeune artiste independant provenant de la Tunisie travaillant sur un projet rock electronique aux influences tunisiennes. Je recherche un espace de tranquillité pour pouvoir produire. Etudiant en Arts Sonores, avoir un espace pour la production est vital pour concrétiser mon projet.
Peinture Acrylique, Au Crayon Ect.Arts visuels - Giustino (Italie) - 10/02/2021
Je viens d'une école d'art plastique et figuratif.
Painter ArtistArts plastiques - Lanciano (Italie) - 15/03/2021
Hi, I am Naomi Marconetti and I'm an Italian painter of 22 years old. Currently, I am in Italy waiting that one day I will start an internship in the fashion industry, but I am tired because It's a year now that I am still at home. Before that, I studied fashion in an Art High School and then in an Academy. Ciao, sono Naomi Marconetti e sono una pittrice italiana di 22 anni. Attualmente sono in Italia ad aspettare che un giorno inizierò uno stage nel settore della moda, ma sono stanco perché è da un anno che sono ancora a casa. Prima di questo ho studiato moda in un liceo artistico e poi in un'accademia.
Artist Apartment Studio Near Verona, ItalyNature - Bussolengo (Italie) - 25/06/2022
Private apartment with kitchen and bath in 300 year old villa on the River Adige just 20 minutes from Verona and 15 minutes from Lake Garda.